Support Broker Handbooks - Adult Manual, Children Manual

Support Broker Application - Adults

Support Broker Application - Children

Synergy Autism Center - Website (full of DD and Autism resources, groups, training courses, etc.)

Idaho Health Insurance Marketplace (Medical Benefits for Individuals, with Subsidies Available)

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How can I become a Support Broker?

In Idaho, a prospective Support Broker first needs to meet certain qualifications (18+ years old, a degree or equivalent training, 2 years of experience with the target population), complete a criminal history check and pass the application exam. You can begin the process for serving adults here and the process for serving children here.

How much money do Support Brokers make?

Currently, the maximum hourly rate for a Support Broker is $18.72. However, families and individuals can choose a rate lower than this, if desired. Support Brokers only make money when working on billable activities that have been defined in a participant’s Support & Spending Plan.

Who do Support Brokers work with?

Support Brokers provide services to individuals who have a developmental disability and meet certain state criteria. There are separate exams and approvals for working with children and adults. A Support Broker can serve both populations if they complete both processes. Family members are no longer allowed to serve as an individual’s Support Broker.


Support Broker - General Opportunities

Up to $18.72 per hour

Idaho Developmental Disability participants need qualified Support Brokers to develop and execute care support service plans, budgets, back-up plans, related activities and to onboard and supervise staff members. This critical role is employed directly by the participant and/or their family. Many aspects of this role can be done remotely and you can set your own schedule. Brokers can become qualified to work with adults (over 18 years of age) and/or children (3 to 18 years of age). The adult program is referred to as “Self Directed Services” (SD) and the children’s program is referred to as “Family Directed Services” (FDS).

Preferred applicants are committed to a value system that supports each individual’s right to dignity, self-determination and community inclusion. Currently, there is high demand for Idaho Support Brokers.

To qualify as a Support Broker, you must:

  • Be 18 years of age or older

  • Have skills and knowledge typically gained by completing college courses, community classes or workshops that count toward a degree in Human Services

  • Have at least 2 years of verifiable experience with the target population and knowledge of DD services and resources

  • Receive a score of 70% or higher on the application exam

  • Complete and clear a criminal history check in accordance with IDAPA 16.05.06

If you are interested, please click the “apply” button below and select the Application document located on that page. Further application instructions are provided on the document. Questions can be directed to the contacts listed on each of the application forms. For more information about this opportunity, see the Support Broker Job Announcement.

Apply for fds

apply for SD